Gajah2???!! Apa tu? Ada kaitan ngan gajah ke? Xda? Penyakit ka pula? Penyakit pa? Kaki besar tu? Kaki gajah?
Haha..sepa yg x tau bahasa ibunda Cannyngau untuk penyakit ni mesti sangka GAJAH2 = KAKI GAJAH.
Ok la..i akan menerangkan skit pasal perbezaan GAJAH2 & KAKI GAJAH ni. Banyak tau beza dia. Nama ja dekat sama. Sampai ada orang marah bila i tanya dia kena gajah2 ke? Harap2 kesalahfahaman dari segi penggunaan istilah kampung i ni x la berterusan la ye..
Apa yg i maksudkan GAJAH2 di sini ialah penyakit beguk. Penyakit beguk ni terbahagi kepada 2; mumps & goiter ~senang skit gtau istilah bi~. Mumps disebabkan oleh jangkitan virus, manakala goiter pula disebabkan oleh kekurangan iodin. Di Malaysia, penyakit beguk biasanya dikaitkan dengan jangkitan virus. Jarang ada kes goiter d Malaysia kerana Malaysia kaya dengan makanan yang berkhasiat & kaya dengan zat. Pandai2 ja la pilih mana makanan yang korg mo makan. Ini bererti, kes2 goiter lebih banyak di negara yang mengalami kekurangan makanan berkhasiat & berzat.
Pa yang i mo highlight di sini ialah MUMPS. GAJAH2 yang i maksudkan selama ini & menjadi istilah orang kampung i ialah MUMPS. so, GAJAH2 = MUMPS ~sila amik perhatian~. Di bawah ni ada sedikit info lagi pasal MUMPS. Untuk pengetahuan lanjut, u ol boleh google sendiri.
What is mumps? Mumps is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus called paramyxovirus that mainly attacks glandular and nervous tissues, frequently characterized by swelling of the salivary glands.
The disease is worldwide in distribution and can occur in epidemics. Its incidence is highest between the ages of 5 and 9, but mumps may attack persons of any age. Because the salivary gland most often affected is the parotid, mumps is also known as Epidemic Parotitis. The disease rarely involves the sex glands, the meninges, or the pancreas.


How is mumps spread?
Mumps is spread from person to person via airborne droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through direct contact with the infected person/contaminated items.
Once a person has become infected with mumps, it takes two to three weeks for the symptoms to appear. However an infected person can spread the infection even when they do not have any symptoms - the disease is contagious from seven days before and up to nine days after the onset of symptoms.
What are the symptoms of mumps?
Symptoms of mumps may include:
- Fever
- Headache
- Swollen cheeks or jaw.
The swollen cheeks or jaw that often appear in mumps are due to swelling of the parotid glands (salivary glands, which are located just in front of each of the ears). The swelling can last from three to four days to a week and the person may complain of soreness and pain when they open their mouth.
Some people who have been infected with mumps do not experience any symptoms at all, while up to half only experience non-specific, or primarily respiratory symptoms.
Symptoms normally decrease after one week and have usually resolved within 10 days.
Treatment of mumps There is no cure for mumps, so treatment of the disease is aimed at relieving the symptoms. This includes bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids.
People who have been infected with mumps should not attend school/college/work while they are still infectious (up to 10 days after the onset of symptoms), in order to prevent the disease spreading to others.
Bila kena penyakit ni, biasanya orang kampung i akan menempel nila yang dicampur dengan cuka di bahagian yang bengkak. Dipercayai campuran nila dan cuka tersebut boleh membantu mempercepatkan penyembuhan bengkak tersebut.
Ok..let's talk bout KAKI GAJAH now. Menurut pemahaman i, KAKI GAJAH ni merupakan sejenis penyakit yang akan menyebabkan kaki & seumpamanya membesar dengan luar biasa. Penyakit KAKI GAJAH ni boleh dikaitkan dengan UNTUT (Lymphatic Filariasis). & setelah pembacaan dibuat, berdasarkan pemahaman i, KAKI GAJAH = ELEPHANTIASIS/ELEPHANTITIS.
The word elephantiasis is a vivid and accurate term for the syndrome it describes: the gross (visible) enlargement of the arms, legs, or genitals to elephantoid size.
True elephantiasis is the result of a parasitic infection caused by three specific kinds of round worms. The long, threadlike worms block the body's lymphatic system—a network of channels, lymph nodes, and organs that helps maintain proper fluid levels in the body by draining lymph from tissues into the bloodstream. This blockage causes fluids to collect in the tissues, which can lead to great swelling, called 'lymphedema'. Limbs can swell so enormously that they resemble an elephant's foreleg in size, texture, and color. This is the severely disfiguring and disabling condition of elephantiasis.
There are a few different causes of elephantiasis, but the agents responsible for most of the elephantiasis in the world are filarial worms: white, slender round worms found in most tropical and subtropical places. They are transmitted by particular kinds (species) of mosquitoes, that is, bloodsucking insects. Infection with these worms is called lymphatic filariasis and over a long period of time can cause elephantiasis.
Other terms for elephantiasis are Barbados leg, elephant leg, morbus herculeus, mal de Cayenne, and myelolymphangioma.
Other situations that can lead to elephantiasis are:
- a protozoan disease called leishmaniasis
- a repeated streptococcal infection
- the surgical removal of lymph nodes (usually to prevent the spread of cancer)
- a hereditary birth defect
Causes and symptoms
Three kinds of round worms cause elephantiasis filariasis: Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and Brugia timori. Of these three, W. bancrofti makes up about 90% of the cases. Man is the only known host of W. bancrofti.
Culex, Aedes, and Anopheles mosquitoes are the carriers of W. bancrofti. Anopheles and Mansonia mosquitoes are the carriers of B. malayi. In addition, Anopheles mosquitoes are the carriers of B. timori.
Infected female mosquitoes take a blood meal from a human, and in doing so, introduce larval forms of the particular parasite they carry to the person. These larvae migrate toward a lymphatic channel, then travel to various places within the lymphatic system, usually positioning themselves in or near lymph nodes throughout the body. During this time, they mature into more developed larvae and eventually into adult worms. Depending upon the species of round worm, this development can take a few months or more than a year. The adult worms grow to about 1 in (2.5 cm) to 4 in (10 cm) long.
The adult worms can live from about three to eight years. Some have been known to live to 20 years, and in one case 40 years. The adult worms begin reproducing numerous live embryos, called microfilariae. The microfilariae travel to the bloodstream, where they can be ingested by a mosquito when it takes a blood meal from the infected person. If they are not ingested by a mosquito, the microfilariae die within about 12 months. If they are ingested by a mosquito, they continue to mature. They are totally dependent on their specific species of mosquito to develop further. The cycle continues when the mosquito takes another blood meal.
Most of the symptoms an infected person experiences are due to the blockage of the lymphatic system by the adult worms and due to the substances (excretions and secretions) produced by the worms.
The body's allergic reactions may include repeated episodes of
fever, s
haking chills,
vomiting, and
Enlarged lymph nodes,
swelling of the affected area,
skin ulcers,
bone and joint pain,
tiredness, and red s
treaks along the arm or leg also may occur. Abscesses can form in lymph nodes or in the lymphatic vessels. They may appear at the surface of the skin as well.
Long-term infection with lymphatic filariasis can lead to lymphedema, hydrocele (a buildup of fluid in any saclike cavity or duct) in the scrotum, and elephantiasis of the legs, scrotum, arms, penis, breasts, and vulvae. The most common site of elephantiasis is the leg. It typically begins in the ankle and progresses to the foot and leg. At first the swollen leg may feel soft to the touch but eventually becomes hard and thick. The skin may appear darkened or warty and may even crack, allowing bacteria to infect the leg and complicate the disease. The microfilariae usually don't cause injury. In some instances, they cause "eosinophilia," an increased number of eosinophils (a type of white blood cells) in the blood.
This disease is more intense in people who never have been exposed to lymphatic filariasis than it is in the native people of tropical areas where the disease occurs. This is because many of the native people often are immunologically tolerant.UNTUT
Nama Saintifik : Lymphatic Filariasis
Simptom Utama : Elephantiasis/Elephantitis
- Merupakan salah satu penyakit bawaan vektor yang utama di rantau ini dan tersebar luas di negara-negara tropika dan kawasan tenggara Asia.
- Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh cacing-cacing nematod berbentuk bebenang atau filariform yang hidup di dalam saluran dan kelenjar limfa di dalam tubuh badan mangsa yang dijangkiti.
- Di antara spesies cacing nematod yang terlibat dalam jangkitan ini ialah seperti Brugia Malayi dan Wuchereria Bancrofti dari keluarga Filarioideae.
- Cacing nematod ini memerlukan dua perumah untuk melengkapkan kitar hidupnya iaitu perumah tetap (dalam badan manusia) dan perumah perantara yang dibawa oleh nyamuk.
filarial worm in eye
elephantiasis on the face
elephantiasis - hand
elephantiasis - legsMore info & pictures:
Actually, banyak lagi info. Tapi melampau panjang pula post ni nanti. Apa2pun, info2 d atas cukup untuk membuat perbandingan perbezaan antara GAJAH2 & KAKI GAJAH.
Kesimpulannya, GAJAH2 = MUMPS yang disebabkan oleh jangkitan virus. Gejala penyakit ini adalah demam, kelenjar membengkak & sakit di bahagian bawah rahang. KAKI GAJAH pula = ELEPHANTIASIS/ ELEPHANTITIS yang merupakan pembesaran secara luar biasa kaki, tangan & bahagian2 lain disebabkan oleh cacing bawaan nyamuk.
P/s : Post ini adalah berdasarkan pengalaman dan dapatan maklumat daripada pelbagai sumber termasuk orang perseorangan. Sekiranya ada kesilapan / kesalahan, ketidaktepatan maklumat, silalah komen.